
Notice to Shareholders of 1834 INVESTMENTS LIMITED- Virtual Access AGM 2020

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of 1834 Investments Limited will be held at 10:30am on Friday, December 18, 2020 at 7 North Street, Kingston. Having regard to the COVID-19 pandemic and the safety of our stakeholders, we will be observing precautionary health measures and shareholders in attendance will be required to wear face masks to enter the venue and remain therein, to observe physical distancing and will be subject to temperature checks and sanitizing upon entry.

The event will also be available to shareholders by live stream using the Zoom video conferencing platform. Persons wishing to participate in the AGM via Zoom must pre-register by 10:00am on Thursday, December 17 as follows:

  1. Register online via this link:
  2. Call 876 922-1834 Ext. 6089 Monday, December 14, 2020 to Thursday, December 17, 2020 between the hours of 9:00am and 3:00pm, each day
  3. Send email to: requesting access, on or before Thursday, December 17 at 10:00am.

When registering online, shareholders will need to provide their full names, addresses on record and contact details. Shareholders are encouraged to download the Zoom application to their computers or mobile devices, prior to the meeting date, to facilitate smoother access to the AGM. Shareholders are also encouraged to sign into the meeting between 10:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on the morning of the AGM, to ensure timely participation in the day’s proceedings. Once the Zoom live stream credentials have been provided, they should not be shared with any third party.

Please note: persons participating in the AGM via the Zoom platform will not be allowed to vote on any resolution by that means. To vote on resolutions moved at the AGM, each shareholder participating virtually must provide his/her proxy to any other shareholder who will be attending the AGM. All proxies must be received by Wednesday, December 16 at 10:30 a.m., by leaving same for the attention of the Company Secretary at the Company’s registered address, 7 North Street, Kingston.

Should you have any questions, please contact 1834 Investments Limited at the before-mentioned phone and e-mail contacts provided.


Dated: December 11,2020